Tuesday 17 April 2012


There will be 4 main characters, each of different stereotypes. To reinforce that the show is unisex, there will be an equal mix of boys and girls. The characters stereotypes are -
- Popular girl (Izzi): good looking, boys fancy her.
- Sporty boy (Max): good looking, girls fancy him.
- Geek (Molly): girl, glasses, clothed stereotypically
- Bully (Dean): the 'bad kid', wears lots of black. ‘emo-esk’

Shows each of the characters individually and then together at the end. Each of their personalities are shown. For example Izzi will be doing her make-up and hair as this is something that makes her feel good about herself.

Fast, up-beat song to show the audience that the show is fun and exhilarating.

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